Arts, humanities and social sciences

Academic reviews have been suspended effective Oct. 7


Academic Review Committee Meeting Recording

  • Oct. 3 - 
  • Sept. 26 –

Review Committee Co-Chairs: UAA Provost John Stalvey, UAS Provost Karen Carey
Committee Charge Letter - 
Sept. 17, 2019

Review Committee Members

  • Kevin Krein – UAS, Faculty Alliance
  • Glen Wright – UAS, Faculty Alliance
  • John Ridiilowski – UAS, Faculty Alliance
  • John Petraitis – UAA  
  • Dan Klein – UAA         
  • Eric Murphy – UAA    
  • Alex Fitts – UAF          
  • Todd Sherman – UAF 
  • Jennifer Tilbury – UAF
  • Priscilla Schulte - UAS Ketchikan
  • Josiah Nash – UAA, Student
  • Aidan Earnest – UAF, Student
  • Matt Berry – UAS, Student
  • Denise Carl – UAS, Staff
  • Tania Rowe – UAA, Staff
  • Kate Avery – UAF, Staff
  • Rich Carr – UAF, Faculty Senate
  • Paul Dunscomb – UAA, Faculty Senate
  • Kelly Ott – Institutional Research      
  • Nina Kimple - Executive Director of the Community Foundation - External Stakeholder
  • Bill Popp – AEDC, External Stakeholder

 Note, this was originally a combined group including natural sciences which are now being reviewed separately

Phase 1 Meeting Recordings
Monday, August 19: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. --  (start 1:59)  session recording II
Friday, August 23: 3 p.m. - 5 p.m. -- session recording

Session Notes
Corrections of comments that were not recorded correctly are welcome from working group participants. Please contact the session facilitator. 

Todd Sherman, Dean, UAF
John Petraitis, Dean, UAA
Tom Thornton, Staff, UAS
Evon Peter, Vice Chancellor, UAF
Maria Williams, Faculty, UAA
Kinchel Doerner, Staff, UAF
Brad Moran, Dean, UAF
Lora Vess, Faculty, UAS
Andrea Dewees, Faculty, UAS
Kevin Krein, Faculty, UAS
Mary Beth Leigh, Faculty, UAF
Diane Wagner, Faculty, UAF
LaNora Tolman, Executive Officer, UAF
Elizabeth Dennison, Faculty, UAA
Steve Johnson, Faculty, UAA
Grant Cochran, Faculty, UAA
Khrys Duddleston, Faculty, UAA
Simon Kattenhorn, Faculty, UAA
Chad Farrell, Faculty, UAA
Jeff Jessee, Dean, UAA
Claudia Lampman, Vice Provost, UAA
Joel Potter, Faculty, UAA
John Heaton, Faculty, UAF
Cheryl Siemers, Faculty, KPC
Jennifer Pedersen, Staff, KPC
Carrie Baker, Faculty, UAF
Alex Hirsch, Faculty, UAF
Karsten Hueffer, Faculty, UAF
Leah Berman, Faculty, UAF
David Newman, Faculty, UAF
Ellen Lopez, Faculty, UAF
Scott Downing, Faculty, UAA
Steve Godfrey, Faculty, UAA
Chris Coffman, Faculty, UAF
Larry Duffy, Faculty, UAF
Javier Fochesatto, Faculty, UAF
Chanda Meek, Faculty, UAF
Matthew Pawlus, Faculty, UAS
David Noon, Faculty, UAS
John Radzilowski, Faculty, UAS
Mike Navarro, Faculty, UAS
John Moore, Staff, UAA
Judith Daxootsu Ramos, Faculty, UAS
Sherry Tamone, Faculty, UAS
Beth Leonard, Faculty, UAA