
Academic reviews have been suspended effective Oct. 7


Academic Review Committee Meeting Recordings

  • Sept. 30, 2019 -
  • Sept. 23, 2019 -

Review Committee Chair: UAF Chancellor Daniel White
Committee Charge Letter - 
Sept. 17, 2019

Review Committee Members

  • Aaron Dotson – UAA  
  • Church Key – UAA      
  • Matt Carlson – UAA   
  • Larry Hinzman – UAF 
  • Bob McCoy – UAF      
  • Hajo Eiken – UAF       
  • Jessica Reisinger – UAA, Student
  • Dustin Elsberry – UAF, Student
  • Amy Jo Jensen – UAS, Student
  • Kelly Jensen – UAS, Staff
  • John Moore – UAA, Staff
  • Wendy Huesties – UAF, Staff
  • Nicole Misarti – UAF, Faculty Senate
  • Jason Amundson – UAS
  • Adam Watson – Institutional Research         
  • Craig Dorman – External Stakeholder
  • Bob Ritchie – External Stakeholder


Phase 1 Meeting Recordings
Wednesday, August 21: 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. -- session recording
Thursday, August 22: 1 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. -- session recording

Session Notes

Corrections of comments that were not recorded correctly are welcome from working group participants. Please contact the session facilitator. 

Larry Hinzman, Vice Chancellor, UAF
Rosie Madnick, Exec Director, UAF 
Andy Seitz, Faculty, UAF 
Tom Thornton, Faculty, UAS 
Eran Hood, Faculty, UAS 
Aaron Dotson 
Cheryl Wilga, Vice Provost, UAA 
Ralph Townsend, Director, UAA 
Milan Shipka, Director, UAF 
Bob McCoy, Director, UAF 
Randy Kee, Exec. Director, UAA 
Hajo Eicken, Director, UAF 
Brian Barnes, Director, UAF 
David Barnes, Director, UAF 
Gwen Holdmann, Director, UAF 
Brenda Konar, Faculty, UAF 
Allison Bidlack, Faculty, UAS 
Brad Moran, Dean, UAF 
Robert Boeckman, Faculty, UAA 
Jenn Guerard, Faculty, UAF 
Trent Sutton, Faculty, UAF 
Matt Carlson, Director, UAA 
Janet Johnston, Director, UAA 
Patrick Druckenmiller, Faculty, UAF 
John Moore, Staff, UAA
Douglas Causey, Faculty, UAA
David Tallman, Faculty, UAS
Nicole Misarti, Director, UAF 
Scott Rupp, Director, UAF
Jennifer Carroll, Faculty, UAF