
Academic reviews have been suspended effective Oct. 7


Academic Review Committee Meeting Recordings

  • Sep 25, 2019 – 

Review Committee Chair: UAS Provost Karen Carey
Committee Charge Letter - 
Sept. 17, 2019

Review Committee Members

  • Bill Urquhart – UAS, Faculty Alliance
  • Heather Nash – UAA  
  • Owen Guthrie – UAF  
  • Madara Mason – UAF
  • Kaia Hendrickson – UAS
  • Eva Ulukivaiola – UAA, Student
  • Emily Nerbonne – UAF, Student
  • Lisa Yancey – UAS, Student
  • John Ingman – UAS, Staff
  • Keith Berggren – UAA, Staff
  • Karina Gonzales-Smith – UAF Staff
  • Cam Carlson – UAF, Faculty Senate
  • Dave Fitzgerald – UAA,  Faculty Senate
  • Kristen Handley – Institutional Research      

Phase 1 Meeting Recordings
Tuesday, August 20: 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. -- session recording
Friday, August 23: 10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. -- session recording

Session Notes

Corrections of comments that were not recorded correctly are welcome from working group participants. Please contact the session facilitator. 

Owen Guthrie, Executive Director, UAF 
Heather Nash, Assoc. Director, UAA 
Paul Wasko, Staff, UAA 
Heather Nice, Faculty, UAA 
Jennifer Pedersen, Faculty, KPC 
Don Bickley, Faculty, UAA PWSC 
Tim Stickel, Staff, UAF 
Heidi Olson, Faculty, UAF 
Madara Mason, Faculty, UAF 
Bryan Uher, Director, UAF IAC 
Charla Brown, Faculty, UAS 
Bill Urquhart, Faculty, UAS 
Math Trafton, Faulty, UAS 
Dave Dannenberg, Director, UAA
Dan Darrow, Faculty, UAF 
Gary Copus, Faculty, UAF 
Joanne Healy, Faculty, UAF 
Steffi Ickert Bond, Faculty, UAF 
Sine Anahita, Faculty, UAF 
Peter Westley, Faculty, UAF 
Cam Carlson, Faculty, UAF 
Veronica Howard, Faculty, UAA
D'Arcy Hutchings, Faculty, UAA
Kitty Deal, Faculty, UAA
David Felts, Staff, UAS
Kathy DiLorenzo, Faculty, UAS
Maica Sherman, Student, King Salmon
Emily Nerbonne, Student, Delta Junction
Morgan Woodard, Student, Seward
KaLynn Coffey, Student, Anchorage