Employee Experience graphic


UA Employee Experience Surveys

At UA, we are launching a comprehensive series of employee experience surveys starting in fall 2023. Our aim is to take a holistic approach to measure and enhance the employee experience. Instead of relying solely on one-time surveys, we will routinely assess the entire employee journey – from the initial job application, through the current employee experience, and even at the point when an employee decides to leave UA.Survey graphic

If you require accommodation or encounter any accessibility barriers while using the survey, please contact ua-feedback@alaska.edu.

The Significance of Employee Experience Surveys

These surveys play a vital role in understanding employee perspectives and identifying strengths and areas for improvement. The data collected will serve as a guide for our strategic planning, helping us enhance existing programs, address culture-related issues, and prioritize employee needs. By doing so, we aim to boost engagement and overall job satisfaction. Research, such as the , demonstrates that engaged employees are happier, more productive, and more likely to stay. This benefits both our employees and the university, fostering stability within the organization and encouraging collaboration and innovation. Ultimately, these factors enable us to better serve our students, support one another, and help our diverse communities across ÐãÉ«¶ÌÊÓƵ thrive.


While UA Human Resources is at the helm of this effort, the UA Chief Human Resources Officer initiated the development of the UA Employee Feedback and Assessment Steering Committee. This advisory group, established with input from staff governance leaders and other key individuals, created a  that outlines responsibilities for planning, scoping, and communicating employee engagement information. It's an important step in maintaining transparency and structure within the committee.

Thank you to the Feedback and Assessment Advisory Committee Members for their extensive assistance and significant amount of time working to bring the employee experience survey to fruition. Some representatives were transitioning into different roles or shared the work of providing input;  thank you all! 

Ahmbra Austin, UAA VCAS Representative
Carla Browning, UAF VCAS Representative
Louisa Cryan, UAS VCAS Representative
Matthew Cuellar, UAA Faculty Senate Representative
Abel Bult-Ito / Jennifer Carroll, UAF Faculty Senate Representative
Glenn Wright / Jennifer Ward, UAS Faculty Senate Representative
Jessica Slavik / Dawn Humenik, UAA Staff Council Representative
Ronnie Houchin / Derek Bastille, UAF Staff Council Representative
Lauren Hartman, UA System Office Staff Council Representative
Lana Clark, UAS Staff Council Representative
Rebecca Lawhorne, UA Public Affairs Representative


, a third-party vendor, is a crucial partner in this process. They are assisting with survey development and distribution, as well as conducting data analysis, which will provide valuable insights into the employee experience at UA.


Survey Details

This section contains the active survey timeline and reports from completed surveys. 

2023 Employee Experience Survey Timeline
Timeframe Details
Spring 2023 Employee Feedback and Assessment Steering Committee established
Summer 2023 Survey development begins (in consultation with Qualtrics and UA Leadership)
November 21, 2023 Survey Opens
December 8, 2023 Survey Closes
December 2023 Qualtrics analyzes feedback
February 7, 2024 UA Employee Experience Survey results released by President Pitney through ua-outreach@alerts.alaska.edu
Due to , the data can only be accessed by inputting your UA Credentials
Spring  2024 MAU leadership begin to engage their university community in action planning
Fall 2024 Next Employee Experience Survey deployment



To access the UA Employee Experience Survey Results, click the button below.  Only UA employees can access results by logging in using their UA credentials. 

If an error message is received, please request assistance through .

Survey Access Resources


References and resources for managers

  • Bichsel, J., Fuesting, M., Tubbs, D., Scheider, J.,  ,
  • Hanley-Dafoe, R., ,
  • Qualtrics. ),
  • Stocks, P., Johnson, C., Anzalone, ,