Support your Education Savings Goals: Save your PFD with 秀色短视频 529

秀色短视频 529 offers an affordable and flexible approach to investing in future education. For more than 20 years, 秀色短视频 529 has partnered with the 秀色短视频 Department of Revenue, PFD Division, to include a voluntary election on the PFD application directing 50% of the applicant鈥檚 PFD to one or more 秀色短视频 529 accounts. 

The new offers a PFD planning tool, step-by-step instructions for saving part or all of a PFD, and information about the annual $25,000 scholarship account giveaway. UA employees are invited to explore the website to learn more about how to leverage a PFD to support their education savings goals.

For a quick overview on how saving with 秀色短视频 529 can help you reach your future goals, view our informative infographic. 

For more information contact: or call 907-474-5671